「オブジェクトポインタと関数ポインタの大きさが異なる処理系の例」「ゼロ初期化したポインタがNULLと異なる例」「2の補数以外を採用している例」「CHAR_BITSが8じゃない例」みたいな、ISO Cで直感に反して緩い保証しかない理由はこいつのせいみたいなのの一覧が欲しい

— Masaki?Hara (@qnighy) 2016年12月20日

2/6 (水)

VMware vSphere Hypervisor 6.5

- VMware Remote Console - Mellanox

1/19 (金)

CentOS 6にパッチが

This update supersedes microcode provided by Red Hat with the CVE-2017-5715 (“Spectre”)
CPU branch injection vulnerability mitigation. (HIstorically, Red Hat has provided updated
microcode, developed by our microprocessor partners, as a customer convenience.) Further
testing has uncovered problems with the microcode provided along with the “Spectre” mitigation
that could lead to system instabilities. As a result, Red Hat is providing an microcode update
that reverts to the last known good microcode version dated before 03 January 2018.
Red Hat strongly recommends that customers contact their hardware provider for the latest microcode updates.

IMPORTANT: Customers using Intel Skylake-, Broadwell-, and Haswell-based platforms must obtain and
install updated microcode from their hardware vendor immediately. The "Spectre" mitigation requires
both an updated kernel from Red Hat and updated microcode from your hardware vendor.